E marketing|Question & Answer

What is the difference between traditional marketing and e-marketing, and which is better?

Marketing is a set of tools and activities intended to find out the needs and desires of the public and product development and promotion, and this is due to the company or organization producing profits and traditional marketing takes a variety of forms, such as advertisements on the radio and television and the ways announcements and advertisements in newspapers and publications such as brochure and flyers, the e-marketing is not different from traditional marketing, but it is the work of online advertising and social media such as Facebook and instagram and Twitter and linkedin and search engines like Google, Yahoo and other search engines and sites and forums


Which is better e-marketing or traditional marketing

In terms of  the cost of traditional marketing cost will be more expensive, for example, the work of advertisements on television or radio advertising will be very high cost of advertising because they are paying the cost of broadcast advertising and the cost of production book.
E marketing you can view pictures of all the products on the site that is advertising it and therefore will not need to print those images and provide a place to display, from E marketing features is targeting where you can target countries and cities and certain countries and also a particular audience and therefore the proportion of the arrival of the advertisement of the target audience It is very large and can also measure the results of the ads with high accuracy where it is to know the number of users and the announcement of the clicking on it



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