Facebook Advertising

Facebook Ads

 It is obvious to everyone the huge number of Facebook users so that Facebook has almost become an addiction for many so Facebook has become the most important advertising platforms and electronic advertising on the Internet, you can through the creation of Facebook advertising make gains and profits


Features Facebook ads



When any Internet user created an account on Facebook he registers the name, age, country, marital status and interests, and this is of great importance when you create an ad campaign on Facebook because we are targeting audience or customers according to their age and their country on specific regions and also their interests and here became announcement targeted and not random and thus the result is the advertising campaign or your ad on Facebook success


 Interaction and deployment

The advertising system for Facebook depends on the interaction When promotion to advertise on Facebook,We find that the audience who watched the announcement interacts with the announcement (like) or (sharing) or add (comment) or the Facebook user clicks on this link, and this interaction leads to customer interest in the product or service provided


Diversity in advertising : –

Facebook ads varied between increasing the number of followers or fans of the page Facebook or stimulation of the interaction of the publication or (post) or to attract visitors to a specific site or user urged to take an act such as fill form or book trips or buy a product, you can also ad promotion for the video and to increase the number Views or promotion of the channel and you can through your ad on Facebook interaction with your customers and respond to them



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