e marketing


what’s the E-Marketing

Is a commercial transaction based on the parties to exchange electronically rather than direct physical contact And are buying and selling goods, products and services via the Internet operation – with the technological development and the increasing number of Internet users has become e-marketing is of great importance for many companies and business owners, customers are becoming identify information and offers that they need and want them, and the prices at which suit them


The most important opportunities and benefits realized by companies and customers through e-marketing: –

Marketing of  goods and services as per the desire and the need of customers

Through e-marketing marketer was able to find a greater opportunity to adapt its products

according to customers’ needs on electronically to suit the customer’s expectations

Integrating customer needs with technological developments

Because of the changes that occur in the markets,e-marketing was able to give an opportunity

to respond to those changes

Access to global markets

E-marketing does not recognize geographical borders so customers can become a choice between products of international companies and get their needs

 E-marketing costs are low

E-marketing techniques provides managed to buy the research and find the best price

E-marketing uses methods promote interactive with customers

Online advertising of the most prevalent means of promotion and attraction, we find companies offer promotional messages to targeted environments through specific websites

Introduced e-marketing channels and new forms of distribution

Manage e-marketing to provide a new concept where the interaction between the parties

to the process of trade without a broker

The client considered a strategic partner in the business facilities

 Targeted e-marketing support meaningful relationships and the goal with customers where

the dynamic activation and continuity of direct contact with customers

Improve the competitive position of companies

It created tremendous developments in information technology associated with e marketing

chances to improve the competitive position of companies


What is features of e-marketing ?

E-marketing of the cheapest types of marketing for other means of marketing

is known that the ads on TV and radio ads are expensive in production rates and the price of broadcast and also announced price at any newspaper advertising compared with the price on the Internet (e-marketing)

It Selection of target segment of customers

When the work announced by other marketing tools are not chosen or identify target customers, unlike the announcement by e-marketing you can choose the places and countries and the requested

announcement age groups and therefore have chosen to target your customers

Action reports on marketing campaigns

Using marketing campaigns you can see the strengths and weaknesses and analyze these points in detail


Types of e-marketing : –

You can create E-Marketing campaigns through : –

E-marketing through social media
E-marketing through Facebook ads|Twitter|linkedin and other social media)
E-marketing through search engines
E-marketing through Google Adwords
E-marketing through videos sites
E-marketing through emails




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